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Job Search Help; How to Ensure Employment in Difficult Economic Times

Aired December 27, 2008 - 13:00   ET

[This is an excerpt from a longer transcript. For the complete transcript, click here.]

DAMP: Toughest job I ever had, but the best job I ever had as well.

VELSHI: Very rewarding.

Jennifer you have one, if you're an air traffic controller you might need this one. A life coach.

MERRITT: Think of a life coach as a personal trainer for your life. They can help you overcome obstacles and help you figure out what to do next and work on your relationships and it's like a therapist without the stigma of therapy. A coach will be certified through the International Coaching Federation. Life coaching is becoming increasingly popular.

ROMANS: Wouldn't in a tough economy, wouldn't that be the first thing you cut back on? I have to get rid of my life coach because I can't pay for the kindergarten bill.

VELSHI: You may need [them more] in a tough economy then you do otherwise. That might be the time if you have a spending problem or you need to get fit, [a coach can help you]. People can change their lives in a recession.

MERRITT: Absolutely. When I was researching this, their business is picking up because people feel they need the help now.

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